Welcome to English 1080. This blog is an online teaching and learning
resource for our course. A new post will appear every Monday with a
brief overview of the material we will cover that week, important
concepts and literary terms, as well as the writing activity or
prompt for your learning journal entries (you can find the first blog activity below in this post).
Once you have set up your own blog, send
me an email with the URL and your name (also include the screen name you will use if different from your given name). I will then add a link to your page in the
"English 1080 Bloggers" link list. In the toolbar on the right you
will also find a link to the course outline, the website for the
course text, links to poetry and prose related sites, and some links
to useful online writing tools.
Please try to pick up
the course text as soon as possible and begin reading (you can find
the schedule for readings in the course outline). There is lots to
cover and it is never a bad idea to get a head start on a course.
Learning Journal Activity -- Introductions
your first post, please write an introduction in which you tell your
readers a bit about yourself. This might include where you are from,
what kinds of music you like, what sorts of books you like to read,
movies you love (or hate), favorite foods, your thoughts on politics and
the pressing issues of the day, any hobbies you have, sports you like
to play or watch, or any other such topics you want to write about. You might
also write about what program you are interested in pursuing at
university, or what you hope to learn in English 1080. Basically, you
should aim to provide your readers with some background so they can know
something about you beyond just your screen name.
you have written your post, take a few minutes to visit some of your
classmate's blogs (see the "English 1080 Bloggers" link list). As the semester progresses, you might also consider creating a link list on your blog to
acknowledge your most frequent readers or those blogs you most enjoy
visiting. In all your online writing for our course, whether your own
posts or comments you leave for others, strive to write well constructed,
grammatically sound sentences, and always make sure to be respectful and
If you have questions about this activity,
about blogging, or about any aspects of our course, please feel free to
send me an email at my mun.ca address, leave a comment on this post, or visit during office hours.
Once again, welcome to English 1080.