In a paragraph or two, I would like you to consider your learning in this course and things you will take away. This is the last "official" journal activity for the course, though if you have missed entries at any point in the semester you are encouraged to catch up in the last weeks of class. For this activity, you might take up some of the following questions:
- What insights have you gained about poetry and short fiction through your studies?
- Which readings or course material did you find most interesting? Which did you find least interesting?
- What are some prevalent themes that have come up in course readings?
- What are some contentious issues raised through literature and other forms of art?
- What insights have you gained about essay writing?
- What things about the course were helpful for your development as a writer?
- Do you think the essay writing workshops in the first half of the semester were helpful?
- What are your thoughts on the blogging component of the course?
- Any other comments or thoughts you would like to share about the course are also welcome!